Sunday, March 8

Editorial: Bike-powered cabs idea worth peddling; If notion gets investors, we'll take a ride

by The Ann Arbor News
Monday February 09, 2009, 2:01 PM

Bicycle-powered taxicabs cruising around downtown Ann Arbor. Crazy idea? Or cool?

Put us down as thinking: cool.

It's a long way from happening. But local resident Barbara Annis wants to bring the idea, called pedicabs, to Ann Arbor. If and when she does, we want to go for a ride.

Annis is seeking funding and a partner for the venture. Under her vision, trips would be free; the service would be funded by sponsors and advertising.

There are plenty of logistics to be worked out, including whether it would work in winter. Our guess: probably not. But it's not a far-fetched concept; pedicabs are already in use in New York and elsewhere.

As Ann Arbor continues to investigate and invest in alternative transportation, private citizens with vision, like Annis, can certainly contribute to the goal. Pedicabs just might have a place in our future.

We hope they do.