Tuesday, January 20

Mayor Fenty Declares Pedicab Official Sweet Ride of Inauguration

From DCist.com

Hizzoner stopped in at CycleLife for a special event to inaugurate the pedicab, apparently the official vehicle for the inauguration. The District Of is going to be chock full of them next week. DCist associates say they've sighted pedicabs from time to time over by Fight Club in Shaw and in Southwest, but they're hardly a regular feature on the city's streets in the way that taxis, buses, or bicycles are.

One natural limitation to the pedicab is that you need poor hippie college students drivers willing to pedal people around D.C.'s notoriously bike-unfriendly streets. Of course, when you're the President, you can commission pedicab drivers by executive signing statement. So be sure to tip your RNC representative driver well!

As you'll see in the video, Mayor Fenty manned a pedicab and beat out some resident bike snobs. By a landslide, even! But sources on the ground say he totally shouted one-two-three-go! and got the turbo boost.